Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tomb of the Lost Queen Input (Halfway Through)

So, I have been playing Tomb of the Lost Queen for about a month, and I wonder what you all think about it. I am not finished with it. I decided to take my time on this one, so PLEASE don't spoil it for me. Anyway, I do like the characters in this game. Especially Lily and Dylan. The other two are alright, but I don't like Abdullah's  anger problem, (He reminds me of Dr. Craven in Creature of Kapu Cave) And I don't know much about Jamila. She seems okay, but very vulnerable.

Nancy: I think I saw something by the tomb!

Jamila: You did?

And she walks away. If you don't know, there is nothing by the tomb. Nancy just wants to snoop in her stuff. If you come back 30 seconds later, she is back again, and you can say the exact same thing to her. And do you know what she does? She goes and looks...even though there was nothing there the first time around!

Lily is an interesting character. She seems to be hiding something. (But don't all suspects?) I like the way she looks. Her hair is pretty, and I like how it sorta moves when she does. (I'm weird, right?) I also like playing the board game with her. But, she doesn't seem to trust Nancy. At least not at the beginning. But so far, I really like her.

I also really like Dylan. Besides the fact that he is funny, nice, smart, and well...cute, he also has an accent! lol I'm just kidding. Well, I am, but I'm not at the same time. Anyway...I don't really know much about him. I know that he is a tour guide, and that he wants more than anything to go inside the tomb, but isn't aloud because he isn't certified. I might change my mind about him as I progress in the game. But for right now, I like him.

So...Once I finish the game, I will let you know what I think about it. And who know? I might decide that I like Abdullah and Jamila better than Lily and Dylan! But even if one of my favorite character's turn out to be the culprit, (Don't tell me!) I will more than likely keep them as my favorite character. That has been the case in a few of the games. (DOG, CUR, TRN, ASH...)

Anyway....That is my input as of this moment.

Has your favorite character ever been a culprit? Which game? (Please no spoilers!)

Happy Sleuthing!